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WEBINAR: Fellowship Opportunities through the Army Research Lab Research Associateship Program

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From 4:00 PM ET until 5:00 PM ET

Krystle Wagemann will be discussing fellowship opportunities through the Army Research Lab Research Associateship Program. The CCDC Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Research Associateship Program (RAP) is designed to significantly increase the involvement of creative and highly trained scientists and engineers from academia and industry in scientific and technical areas of interest and relevance to the Army through fellowship opportunities.

Scientists and engineers at ARL help shape and execute the Army's program for meeting the challenge of developing technologies that will support Army forces in meeting future operational needs by pursuing scientific research and technological developments in diverse fields.

The CCDC Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Research Associateship Program (RAP) is managed by ORAU.

ORAU is a consortium of more than 100 Ph.D granting academic institutions bringing together university faculty and students to collaborate on major scientific initiatives that help keep America on the leading edge of science and technology.

Wagemann has 10+ years of experience in higher education. She has experience developing relationships with universities and organizations to increase student participation in research. She has worked in Career Services offices, planning career fairs, creating unique recruiting events and creating awareness of opportunities for students before and after graduation.

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