From 5:15 pm until 6:15 pm
Please join us to welcome Dr. Gerhard Klimeck, director at the Network for Computational Nanotechnology and nanoHUB at Purdue University. Dr. Klimeck will provide an introduction of the tools, simulations, and learning resources within nanoHUB.
From nanoHUB's website " is the premier open and free platform for computational research, education, and collaboration in nanotechnology, materials science, and related fields. The site hosts a rapidly growing collection of simulation tools that run in the cloud and are accessible through a web browser. In addition, nanoHUB provides online presentations, nanoHUB-U short courses, animations, teaching materials, and more. These resources instruct users about the simulation tools as well as general nanoelectronics, materials science, photonics, data science, and other topics. A good starting page for those new to nanoHUB is the Education page."
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